a guide to leftist podcasts
a growing guide to leftist podcasts from various entry points and tendencies that you might find useful for political education (in no particular order)
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prison radio
an independent multimedia production studio producing content for radio, television, and films for 30 years and distributing throughout the world. We stream our high-quality audio material to media outlets and the general public in order to add the voices of people most impacted by the prison industrial complex.
breakthrough news
Untold stories of resistance from poor and working-class communities — out of which emerges a wholly different narrative of the world, as it is and in real time. At present, five corporations dominate the media landscape, including 90% of what we read, watch, listen to, and depend on for information about the world. Nowhere among the headlines do we hear the perspectives of everyday working people.
millennials are killing capitalism
Their goal is to provide a platform for communists, anti-imperialists, Black Liberation movements, ancoms, left libertarians, LBGTQ activists, feminists, immigration activists, and abolitionists to discuss radical politics, radical organizing and share their visions for a better world.
revolutionary left radio
Rev Left Radio explores politics, philosophy, history, ecology, mysticism, and struggle through a socialist, decolonial, and anti-imperialist lens.
black power media: remix morning show
Black Power Media (BPM) is a Black-radical independent media collective: They seek to challenge the narrative about Black politics and the Black condition. Their programming will deliver the news and information our community and others need to break through today's mainstream propaganda machine.
Freedom Now (KPFK-LA)
Freedom Now! is a Pan-African, internationalist world affairs program supporting all indigenous and oppress peoples worldwide. (Hosted by Gerald Horne)
this is revolution
A show about politics and music...mostly politics hosted by a musician @lafinabsolute and journalist @probert06
bad faith w/ briahna joy gray
Bad Faith is two shows in one: it's a panel show about politics and pop culture with a rotating cast of performers and politicians, artists and activists, writers and radicals; and it's a two-way podcast where two people from two very different parts of the left make the case for one less terrible world.
hood communist radio
Revolutionary African nationalist blog. New posts every Thursday. Submit at hoodcommunist@protonmail.com #hoodcommunistblog hoodcommunist.org
abolition today
Hosted by Max Parthas and Yusuf Hassan, Abolition today is a weekly online radio program with specific focus on modern slavery as it is practiced through the 13th amendment of the US constitution and by private for-profit prisons worldwide. Airs live Sundays 7PM EST. 4PM PST and 5 Central.
probably cancelled
proles at the round table (archived)
tagline: “A podcast that focuses on history from a communist perspective in a round-table discussion over booze.”
last dope intellectual (archived)
The Last Dope Intellectual (LDI) is an unapologetically radical Black web show hosted by Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly and Dr. Layla Brown and produced by Too Black. LDI covers a wide range of topics, including politics, current events, social media discourse, and knowledge production.
claudia jones school channel
The Claudia Jones School for Political Education (CJSPE) is a grassroots organization committed to enriching the political perspectives of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan community. It strives to be a force in the fight against injustices of a racist ruling class engaged in relentless class war against the working poor whose labor is the source of capital that is used against the same workers in furthering their exploitation.
noname book club channel
Noname Book Club is an online/irl community dedicated to uplifting POC voices. They do this by highlighting two books each month written by authors of color.
return to the source! pod
tagline: anti-colonial conversations with friends! by joshua briond and deej
burn it down w/ Kim Brown
"Burn it Down with Kim Brown" is calling out systemic issues within our society and envisioning a new world where we talk with people about how to restructure and create systems that are inclusive of everyone. We keep it real, and will actively destroy myths that the media and politicians love that we believe, like American Exceptionalism.
the majilis
hella black podcast
Hella Black Podcast is an Oakland based audio experience brought to you by Delency Parham and Abbas Muntaqim. With each episode we hope to educate and inform our listeners on all things related to Blackness. Their podcast uplifts the voices of Black radical organizers who are doing the work in the field. Often times our narratives are not told.
delete your account
economic update
Economic Update is a weekly nationally syndicated radio program produced by Democracy at Work and hosted by Richard D. Wolff. The program explores complex economic issues and empowers listeners with information to analyze their own financial situation as well as the economy at large.
against the grain
Award-winning program of ideas, in-depth analysis, and commentary on a variety of matters — political, economic, social, and cultural — important to progressive and radical thinking and activism. Against the Grain is co-produced and co-hosted by Sasha Lilley and C. S. Soong.
socialist revolution
The latest in Marxist theory and analysis, brought to you by Socialist Revolution, the US section of the International Marxist Tendency. In the midst of capitalism's global meltdown, we provide class-struggle perspectives and revolutionary strategy for achieving socialism in our lifetime.
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