Grace-Lee Boggs
Marxist, feminist, anti-imperialist author, social activist, philosopher, and much more born in Providence, RI (June 27, 1915 – October 5, 2015).
Essays, Speeches, Books, Letters
There Is Only One Real Solution – Socialism! by Grace Lee Boggs (1943)
Socialism: Its Victory Must Be Labor’s Goal by Grace Lee Boggs (1943)
World War I in Retrospect: An Historical Examination by Grace Lee Boggs & H. Allen (1942)
Talks + Discussions
Thinking with James and Grace Lee Boggs by Red May
The Next American Revolution- Discussion at the Brecht Forum (2011)
Black Power at 50 (2017)
Interview with Grace Lee Boggs by Global Feminisms Project (2017)
Imagine An Alternative That Is More Human (2012)
Grace Lee Boggs and Immanuel Wallerstein in conversation (2010)
The Next American Revolution: A Conversation with Grace Lee Boggs (2015)
Grace Lee Boggs Project - Women Make Movies (2021)
Glassgow2Detroit by Away Ye Grow (2011)
American Revolutionary (Trailer) (2013)
American Revolutionary (full movie) (2013)
Documents + downloads
Re-imagine everything (2012)
Revolution and Evolution (Chapter 1, scanned) by James and Grace Lee Boggs (1974)
The Awesome Responsibility of Revolutionary Leadership by Grace and James Boggs (1970)
The Next American Revolution Chapter 2 (scanned) by Grace Lee Boggs
Dialects and Revolution by James and Grace Lee Boggs
Facing Reality by Grace Lee Boggs and C.L.R
These are the times to grow our souls (scanned) by Grace Lee Boggs
The Beloved Community of MLK Jr. by Grace Lee Boggs
Critical History of the Grace Lee Boggs School by Workplace journal (2016)
American Revolutionary (film discussion guide) by PBS
Activist Intellectuals and the Radical Promise of the Black Power Movement by Stephen M. Ward (2002)
Radical Democracy in the Americas by Greggory F. Pappas (2021)
Petrocracy and Geological Modernity from Detroit to Palestine and Back by Nicholas Mirzeoff (2017)
From Revolution to Evolution: The Legacy of Grace Lee Boggs by Boo Kyung-Sook (2017)
An Interview with Grace Lee Boggs by Team Colors Collective (2009)
Democracy in the Dark (thesis using Boggs ideology/practive) by Feby Boediarto
The Great Obsession by Grace Lee Boggs (1970)
Thinking Dialectically: What Grace Lee Boggs Taught Me by Robin D. G. Kelley
Remembering Grace-Lee Boggs by SOULS journal of black politics
Remembering Grace Lee Boggs and her role in the black freedom struggle by Karen Aronoff (2015)
The Revolutionary Task of Self-Activity: A Note on Grace Lee Boggs by Nicola Pizzolato (2016)
Black Lives Matter and Revolutionary Time by Nicholas Mirzeoff (2017)
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