B.R. Ambedkar
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer, who inspired the Dalit Buddhist movement and campaigned against social discrimination towards the untouchables (Dalits).
Essays, Books, Writings
Talks + Discussions
The Doctor and the Saint: Race, Caste and Colonialism with Arundhati Roy (2014)
B.R. Ambedkar: The Life of the Mind & a Life in Politics by Ananya Vajpeyi (2015)
Race, Caste - Ambedkar v. Gandhi by Arundhati Roy (2014)
Asad Zaidi in conversation on Annihilation of Caste by Arundhati Roy (2014)
Debunking the Gandhi Myth by Arundhati Roy (2014)
Discussion Suryakanth and Arundhathi Roy by Dalit Camera
Ambedkar & Ideas That Shaped India by Ananya Vajpeyi
The Half-Life of Caste: the ill-health of a nation by Arundhati Roy (2014)
The Lion’s Roar Of Doctor Ambedkar by Maitriveer Nagarjuna
Dr Ambedkar and the Dhamma Revolution by The Buddhist Centre
Celebrating Dr. Ambedkar by The Buddist Centre
Bhante on Ambedkar by The Buddist Centre
Ambedkar: The Buddhist Movement in India by Clear Vision Trust
History of B.R. Ambedkar by Films division
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: The untold truth (english) by Jabbar Patel
Annihilation of Caste (Audiobook) by B.R. Ambedkar
Marx In Ambedkars Thoughts by Kanwal Bharti
Was Ambedkar Anti-Islam? by Vijay Lal
Buddha or Marx by B.R. Ambedkar (via Citizen)
Documents + downloads
Ambedkarism, Marxism, and Ghandism: Analytical discourse for Dalit Liberation by Dr. Rabindra Garada
B.R. Ambedkar writings and speeches by Gov. of India
B.R. Ambedkar resource home page by Gov. of India
Bhudda and Ambedkar are not enough, Marx is a MUST!
Other resources
colonial period - Colombia Edu
index - Colombia Edu
On the partition of india by B.R. Ambedkar
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